Grandis Bistro Table

Grandis Bistro Table

Avilable in 220 x 100 with foot 10x10, 12x12 cm

Oval ext table 180/240x100

Oval ext table 180/240x100

Avilabel at size 120/170x90, 150/210x120, 200/300x120 double flap.

Teak Garden Table 180 x 100

Teak Garden Table 180 x 100

The teak garden table 180 x 100 h = 75 Top table = 4 cm and the legs 7x7 cm with knocked down legs system, so the cubication should be 0.18...
Teak Straubing table 180 x 90

Teak Straubing table 180 x 90

The teak straubing table 180 x 90 with knocked down legs system so the cubication should be 0.22...
Teak Extention Table 180 - 240 x 100 with double leaf

Teak Extention Table 180 - 240 x 100 with double leaf

The teak extention table 180 - 240 x 100 double leaf with central parasole hole. The cubication can be 0.38 cbm, as the legs is can be separate with top....
Teak Console Table 120 cm

Teak Console Table 120 cm

The Teak Table console 120 cm is simple table, the legs are knocked down. The Top can be folded and moved to left and right....
Teak Las Vegas ext table 90 - 120 x 70 with stand up Leg

Teak Las Vegas ext table 90 - 120 x 70 with stand up Leg

The Teak Las Vegas ext table 90 - 120 x 70 is very simple table, It can be put in car baggage....
Teak table 120 - 180 x 120 with double flaps

Teak table 120 - 180 x 120 with double flaps

The teak table extention 120 - 180 x 120 cm with double flaps and central hole to put any umbrella. The legs are knocked down system, so the cubication around 0.35 cbm....
Teak Table 90 x 90

Teak Table 90 x 90

The teak table 90 x 90 High = 75 cm, with knocked down legs size = 6x6 cm. The midlle of the Top with hole and brass cap to put any umbrella. The set can be with 4 pcs stacking chairs or Folding chairs....


The teak table 90 x 90 H = 75 knocked down system, the legs are 6x6 cm, the cubication is 0.15 cbm.



TEAK ROUND TABLE 120-180 X 120

TEAK ROUND TABLE 120-180 X 120

The Oval Ext table 120-180x120 can be double flaps with parasol hole brass cap. The cubication should be 0.37 cbm.

TEAK RECTA EXT 180-240 X210

TEAK RECTA EXT 180-240 X210

TEAK OVAL EXT 180-240 X 120

TEAK OVAL EXT 180-240 X 120
